Got Acid Reflux and Hashimoto’s? Dr Izabella Wentz

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Got Acid Reflux and Hashimoto’s? Dr Izabella Wentz

Individuals with synthroid ndc hypothyroidism are already at risk for slowed gut motility. Therefore, eating a food you are intolerant to can further aggravate GI symptoms, including bloating. Common food sensitivities or intolerances include ones to gluten and dairy.

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Autoimmune Atrophic Gastritis

In fact, the prescribing information for most levothyroxine products state to have your TSH levels checked after 8-12 weeks if you switch between manufacturers of levothyroxine. This condition occurs when your immune system attacks the cells of your stomach lining cells. It may also be referred to as autoimmune gastritis (AIG) or autoimmune metaplastic atrophic gastritis (AMAG). Eating too much sugar, fatty meals, tomatoes, spicy food, drinking alcohol or caffeine can worsen acid reflux or trigger it directly. So keep these in mind and trial whether any are contributing to yours. Heartburn is a common condition in general and is often overlooked in the Hashimoto’s patient.

Low thyroid hormone levels can prevent the LES from doing its job correctly. In addition to the above tips, it is important to prioritize getting enough sleep and staying hydrated. Lack of sleep and dehydration can exacerbate symptoms of both thyroid disorders and digestive issues. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night and drink plenty of water throughout the day. The symptoms of gas and bloating can vary from individual to individual. Some may experience excessive burping or flatulence, while others may feel abdominal discomfort or bloating.

Day Thyroid Meal Plan

  • Poor diet, stress, toxins, unresolved psychological issues, inadequate stomach acid production and digestive enzymes can lead to dysbiosis (abnormal bacterial ratios).
  • As mentioned, a weakened LES contraction may allow stomach contents to pass upwards into the esophagus.
  • As a licensed naturopathic physician who is board certified in naturopathic endocrinology, she takes an integrative approach in her clinical practice.
  • Dr. Brighten is an international speaker, clinical educator, and medical advisor within the fem-tech community.
  • Once again we see how important healthy gut bacteria are to the health of the thyroid.

Once again we see how important healthy gut bacteria are to the health of the thyroid. Poor diet, stress, toxins, unresolved psychological issues, inadequate stomach acid production and digestive enzymes can lead to dysbiosis (abnormal bacterial ratios). Furthermore, the esophagus also relies on muscle contractions to move food down.

  • It is essential to let your healthcare provider know if you have symptoms of GERD or acid reflux.
  • Rachel Hill is the multi-award winning thyroid patient advocate, author, speaker and content creator behind The Invisible Hypothyroidism.
  • The more antibiotics you have taken, the more likely you are to have abnormal gut bacteria as well as yeast overgrowth and parasites.

Your muscles, including the LES, rely on appropriate thyroid hormone levels to relax and contract. Thus, when the thyroid gland is underactive, low levels of thyroid hormone may weaken muscle contractions. As mentioned, a weakened LES contraction may allow stomach contents to pass upwards into the esophagus. If left untreated, GERD can cause inflammation of the esophagus (acid reflux esophagitis) and a medical condition called Barrett’s esophagus. It is essential to let your healthcare provider know if you have symptoms of GERD or acid reflux.

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These tests will also tell you how well you are digesting and absorbing food, if there is inflammation and if you have sufficient beneficial bacteria to convert some of your thyroid hormone into its active form. Hormones and toxins are metabolized in the liver and excreted in the feces through the GI tract. Remember that a majority of thyroid hormone is converted into its active form in the liver.

A TSH test is the only way to determine if you’re managing your hypothyroidism.

This seemed like good news not to have a disease, but it was also disappointing in some ways because I still had the awful reflux, IBS, and thyroid symptoms… and no clear way to get rid of them. Stomach acid is acidic, so when stomach acid is low, the pH in the stomach is higher. Your stomach acid normally has a pH level of 1 to 2; hypochlorhydria is usually present if the pH is higher than 3.

SYNTHROID® (levothyroxine sodium) tablets, for oral use is a prescription, man-made thyroid hormone that is used to treat a condition called hypothyroidism in adults and children, including infants. It is meant to replace a hormone that is usually made by your thyroid gland. The longer your stomach contents stay in your stomach, the greater your chance of experiencing acid reflux symptoms.

Gas and bloating are common digestive issues that many individuals taking levothyroxine experience. These symptoms are believed to be caused by the way levothyroxine affects the absorption of nutrients in the body. When an individual takes levothyroxine, it increases the absorption of nutrients from the gut, which can lead to an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine. This overgrowth can cause an imbalance in the gut microbiome, leading to digestive issues such as gas and bloating. Given the connection between thyroid hormone levels and bloating, people with Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism need to monitor thyroid function regularly.

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